About Projects
PlaAesthetic Brand Marketing has had the pleasure of working with The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville for many years. We have watched them grow into a top surgery center in Nashville, while the duo of Dr. Mary Gingrass & Dr. Melinda Haws has become nationally-known. While PSCON can recognize their achievements, they did not want to stay complacent, so ABM agreed to help design a new website and online store that would attract patients for years to come.
While efficient, PSCON knew their website was not a modern reflection of their practice. They came to ABM with the goal of a personalized site filled with assets unique to their practice. With a primarily black-and-white site, the office and staff photos of PSCON added pops of color to the site, along with adding an emphasis on the images. Procedure-specific videos were created for alternative patient engagement methods. The Plastic Surgery Center of Nashville team is excited to continue to offer Breast, Body, Facial, and Non-Surgical procedures for years to come with their brand new website.
ABM also designed and built a Shopify based e-commerce store to accompany the new website. It was important that the store continued the clean and modern feel that the new website was designed with.